London on Film

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

Aaron Siskind

These are pictures of London on film from the beginning of the year. Now, winter is finally making a move and the days are becoming warmer, longer, and sunnier. Here are my happy-makers of the past season:

Happy Makers of the Season

One big happy maker has been park fitness. Even though I often had to give it a miss when I had a cold. When I could attend it was the highlight of the day though. Exercising outside together with others despite the weather not being all blue skies is such a great feeling.

Another really great thing was – or is – having a heated blanket. My boyfriend’s mom gave it to me for Christmas and I don`t know how I survived the previous winters without it! 

Rediscovering stuff

Something that I started, is writing more than “blabla” on postcards and cards I send to people. I`m trying to think about something interesting to write and not just “Happy Birthday” or the like to make a card more meaningful. And I also generally started to send more random cards and surprises to people.

I rediscovered chewing gum – especially while editing videos and listening to music. (When I was a teenager I always chewed but it`s been years since I last bought chewing gums…) Also, I`m loving filming and doing videos more and more. 

London on Film

And of course, there`s taking photographs with film again. Every click comes with joy and anticipation. Opening an email with film scans is like unwrapping presents as a kid on Christmas Eve.  Also, film photos are beautiful as they are – usually no editing is needed. And because there`s a time gap between taking the picture and having it developed, some images come as a surprise: I had completely forgotten about having taken some of them and now the moment is back, right there in front of me. 

7 thoughts on “London on Film”

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