Fensterlicht in der Speisemeisterei Hohenheim mit Blick auf das Schloss

Speisemeisterei Hohenheim

°•☆•Do your know or remember the 80s TV series Dynasty with Alexis and Blake? I used to watch it with my mom when I was a kid, and even though I haven`t been watching it in ages now, I still love the mood and the atmosphere of the series. When photographing the restaurant “Speisemeisterei” in Hohenheim Castle I was so reminded of exactly that Dynasty mood.

Actually, I was completely taken by surprise – I had had a couple of photo shootings around the castle but had never been in the restaurant.  So when coming in to take photos I was staggered. I so could picture Blake and other Carringtons sipping their Brandies, talking business in the dim light of the table lamps. It might have been these table lamps, the rich blue of the massive lounge seats, or the many golden mirrors on the high walls that triggered this Dynasty mood. The atmosphere and mood are almost as important for a restaurant as the food, don`t you agree?  The Speisemeisterei is definitely worth a look (and probably worth a taste, too, as they have two Michelin stars.)

Would you like your business portrayed in a cinematic way? Get in touch: mail@business-photographer.com °•☆•

About the author: www.story-photographer.com

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