°☆▪ “There are many platforms for creatives. However, they aren`t run by the creatives themselves. I find it more beneficial, if a platform isn’t just enabling creatives to introduce themselves, but if it allows the creatives to shape and influence it. That makes more sense to me. Our concept store FYRA collective is kind of a prototype of such a platform. Together we are multiplying our talents, we are offering them to each other, and we are marketing our products much more effectively. We are collaborating as equals.” – fashion designer @johannariplinger, co-founder of the concept store @fyra_collective in Stuttgart, on what’s important for self-employed creatives in the future.
To read the interview head to www.business-story-magazine.com/johanna-riplinger ▪☆°•
About the author: www.nadinewilmanns.com