•*>> In his interview, singer Joe Vox said something rather interesting about creativity: „As a creative you don‘t need the perfect circumstances- on the contrary: striving for too much perfection is often counterproductive, because you constantly blame your circumstances as not good enough- and in the end you won’t produce anything at all. You can always do something, when you are creative and you really want it.“ This is such a good reminder that we’d better not wait for „better circumstances“ to start or work on something. But instead to seize the day as it is and make the best out of it. I have wasted a lot of time on waiting for circumstances to change. But I‘ve eventually learned that there’s is never a better time to move one step forward than today. Step after step, day after day will produce results eventually. Of course there are setbacks. However, more often than not, setbacks are actually steps forward, too! Because they provide the best lessons to learn from. Keep creating ♡
About the author: www.story-photographer.com